A huge hi-dee-ho (with no emphasis on the "ho" part) :-) to the blogger known as HUMAN4ANIMAL. Believe u me, folks, this little lady is GOING places. Just remember u heard it here first. U HEARD what i said!! :-)
And speaking of hearing (odd phrase, no?) have u ever heard that when u minus your 4.20, u have more dreams? Or maybe u just remember them when u wake up? ANYhoodle :-) yours truly sure has been dreamin baby dreamin. Had a dream i was riding on the back of a motorcycle driven by BFFRich, and i saw a very arty red and black road-sign up ahead. I became apprehensive, and the closer we got2the sign, the more nervous i felt. U know that feeling in a dream when u need2talk but u cant even tho u r trying so hard? 4some reason, i felt compelled to SHOUT OUT what was printed on the sign but it was coming up fast and i panicked that i wouldnt be able to read it. Then, just as we were passing it, i saw that it said BLACKNESS,in big red and black letters, and i finally was able to scream(4real)... "BLACKNESS!"
Needless2say, all this screaming woke up BFFRich with a JOLT..."wha? wassamatter? huh? wtf? u ok?..."
I'm sorry BFFRich. Didnt mean2scare u like that. Pass the dutchie!!!

B-L-A-C-K-N-U-S-S .. first vinyl you turned me on to at Discount Records
(Rahsaan Roland Kirk RIP)
whoa, did you really scream blackness? that's so crazy. one time, i was so mad at kristen in a dream and then i gathered all my strength and i HIT her! and i actually hit her and she was so pissed b/c she had been sleeping. heehee. thaks for the special mention. i miss u. :(
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